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Deliverance from sin and its consequences isSALVATION!
SALVATION- deliverance from sin and its consequences, brought about by faith in Christ.
All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. Romans 3:23 The penalty of sin is death (physical and spiritual death). Romans 6:23 Jesus Christ died for us on the cross so our sins would be forgiven. Romans 5:8 If you confess your sins, and believe Jesus is God and has been raised from the dead, your sins will be forgiven and you will have a new life in Jesus Christ. Romans 10:9-10
Say this prayer out loud right now:
“Dear God, I want to be a part of your family. You said in Your Word that if I acknowledge that You raised Jesus from the dead, and that I accept Him as my Lord and Savior, I would be saved. So God, I believe You raised Jesus from the dead and that He is alive. I accept Him now as my personal Lord and Savior. I accept that I am forgiven from sin right now.
I am saved!! Jesus is my Lord. Thank you, Father God, for forgiving me, saving me, and giving me eternal life with You. Amen!”